Remain in Christ

Ajay ! India ! Jesus Christ ! God ! Religion ! Evangelize ! Ethics ! Friends ! Life !

Be Compassionate

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Matthew 15:32:  Then Jesus called his disciples unto him, and said, I have compassion on the multitude, because they continue with me now three days, and have nothing to eat; and I will not send them away fasting, lest they faint in the way.

Jesus had compassion on the multitude.  He didn’t stop with just feeling sorry or being sympathetic.  He went one more step ahead of us, i.e., compassion.  He fed the hungry people who were with him for 3 days.

We have to be compassionate like Jesus.  Jesus never condemned anybody who came to Him.  What drew people to Him was compassion.  He healed everyone who came to Him.  Just having a Christian name or being born in a Christian home does not tell the world that we have Jesus in our lives.  We need to develop the nature and characteristics of Jesus.  Love, forgiveness, and compassion were the characteristics of Jesus.  No wonder people were thronging to see him and a great multitude followed Him day in and day out.  Let us shake off the traditional ideas from us and be clothed with compassion for people.

It does not hurt to show an act of kindness or to be compassionate for those who need it.  As children of God, it is our responsibility to be like Christ.  Let people feel the special touch of God through our lives.

Author: Ajay Thaninki

Ajay ! India ! Jesus Christ ! God ! Religion ! Evangelize ! Ethics ! Friends ! Life !

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